Money Problems
Short on cash, late payments, increasing debt? Check out these blinking red lights that indicate financial trouble.
Are you broke right after payday? Are living paycheck to paycheck?
If this sounds all too familiar please scroll down and look at our resources!

Top 10 Money Mistakes!
Here are FoolProof's Top 10 reasons why (young) people get in trouble with money. How many hit home for you?

Can Credit Cards Hurt Young People?
Have a credit card and little income? Then it's likely you're carrying a credit card balance... And that can (start to) hurt a lot.

Are Payday Loans Good, Ever?
When strapped for cash, people are willing to jump through all kinds of hoops to get additional money. But are payday loans a good idea? What are yo…

Oh, What a (Mortgage) Relief It Is!
Behind on Mortgage Payments?
We Can Help
Collection calls. Foreclosure notices. We've seen it all. Our experienced legal team knows…

Tips for Smart Food Shopping
Food. It's one of the necessities of life. Yet, keeping you and your family fed can take a large portion of your budget. The following tips can help y…

Know Anyone That Is Worried About Feeding Their Family?
In America, 1 in 9 people face hunger. Even more so worry about having enough money to feed their family. This video offers resources and tips, incl…

Not Enough Money to Feed Your Family?
About 35 million people in America are worried about not having money to feed their families, so called food insecurity. This video offers tips as w…

What Is Predatory Lending?
Not all lenders are legit. So what are the warning signs? Check out our tips right here.

Looking for Tips to Manage Your Debt?
Concerned about your debt? You aren't alone. According to the Federal Reserve's February 2021 Consumer Credit G.19 report, U.S. consumer debt is aroun…

¿Buscas Consejos para Administrar Tu Deuda?
¿Preocupado por tus deudas? No estás solo. Según el informe de Crédito al Consumidor G.19 de febrero de 2021 de la Reserva Federal, la deuda de lo…

Car Repossession: There's Only Bad and Ugly
If you can't make your car payments on time, you may be at risk of getting your car being taken away, or "repossessed". It won’t be a fun ride, gu…

Basic Budgeting 101
Are you living right up to your income? Going a bit beyond your income to make ends meet—running up credit card debt or dipping into savings? If so,…

Presupuesto Básico 101
¿Estás viviendo a la altura de tus ingresos? ¿Yendo un poco más allá de tus ingresos para llegar a fin de mes, acumulando deudas en la tarjeta de…

Money Tips for a Financial Crisis
Chances are you're reading this because you've got money on your mind and are looking for management tips during this unprecedented time. While some p…

Consejos de Dinero para una Crisis Financiera
Lo más probable es que estés leyendo esto porque tienes dinero en mente y estás buscando consejos de administración durante este tiempo sin preced…

What Is Predatory Lending?
Predatory lending is using deceptive or unfair tactics to get a borrower to take out a loan that benefits the lender instead of the borrower. These ty…

No Credit? Bad Credit? Yummy!
Yummy! (If your goal is taking advantage of people.)
A bad credit personal testimony: My Past Money Mistakes and My Future Hopes

Unemployed and Worried About Cash?
Being without a job and money can be extremely tough, especially during these times. Here are some tips that may help.

What You Need to Know About Mortgage Forbearance
What is mortgage forbearance? It is typically the suspension or a reduction in your mortgage payment for a specific period of time.
This is not forgi…

Trouble Paying Your Student Loans While Unemployed?
When you lose your job, times will be stressful. But you still have to pay your debts, including your student loans. Here are some tips to help you …
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